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There are 1,000 different ways your $#&% computers will steal your time.

We’ll take 998 of those away starting at 16¢ a day!


Thank you for thinking of us to fix your computers when there’s something wrong with them.

It’s horrible when $#&% computers steal your time, isn’t it?

Here’s the thing – did you know that more than 96% of our clients use us to proactively stop their computers from interrupting them in the first place?

For most, we look after every single aspect of their IT, including all the high-level security stuff (protecting them from constant attacks from cyber criminals).

Perhaps that’s too much for you right now.

So instead, let me offer you a massive dose of our help, at a heavily discounted introductory price!   

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Josué Oliveras - Technology Strategist at pnwitsupport.com

Often hackers use vulnerabilities in older versions of software to get into computers.

How About We Handle All Of The Updates On All Of Your Computers? So You And Your Team Never Ever Have To Think About Them Again



Keeping all of your computers fully up-to-date all the time, is actually one of the core protection strategies against cyber-crime.


Unleash My Team on Your Computers – and There are 3 Huge Benefits for You:


✅ All your Microsoft updates will be proactively installed for you. We’ll also manage the rebooting of computers so you’re never interrupted. Nothing for you to do or think about

✅ We’ll get alerts for problems on your computers on more than 1,000 potential problem areas – before they affect you. So we can contact you and get permission to implement fixes. And you can work uninterrupted

✅ The same technology we use to do that, will allow you to securely remote access your computers from anywhere. This functionality alone is worth 5x the price you’ll pay.

These 3 benefits should not only give you a layer of very basic cyber security but will also save you and your team 100s of hours each month.


Now let me ask you this...

How Much Do You Charge For Your Time?


Let’s assume it’s $50 an hour.

That means, if you waste just one hour a week trying to do updates to your computer…

...or waiting for the reboot to finish…

You’re losing $200 a month. Every month. And that’s a conservative estimate!

Get my team to do it for you. They’re experts so will do a better job, faster. You’ll save time and ultimately money.

So what’s our heavily discounted introductory price?

It’s just $3.75 per computer, per month.

That’s it.

🚫 No catches

🚫 no contract

🚫 no extra fees (unless you ask us to fix anything for you, of course).

Just try it.

And if you don’t want to continue at any time simply tell us, and we’ll stop the service immediately.


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Want IT Support Starting At 16¢ A Day?

To get started, I just need 15 minutes with you on a video call.

I can explain it to you in full (although it’s very simple) and you can ask me any questions you have.

See my live calendar below and compare it to yours.